WEB 3.0

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is a Range of Developments :
Semantic web [meaning of data].
SaaS [Software as a Service].
DaaS[Data as a Service].
Artificial Intelligence.
Faster broadband connection, always, anywhere.

Before looking into the details of web 3.0 , lets first go in past and see what we have experienced web as. In 1989 ; Tim Berners Lee , made a definition of world wide web. Internet was born. People then started putting data on web. E-mails, Static web pages, E-Commerce, E-Business, Company E-Brochures. This period was called as Web [Readable]. Web was all about searches for on-line content. When we got a grip on the technical part, the real possibilities of the web became more clear.
We discovered the power of networks. i.e. Power of collaboration, Power of links. This is WEB 2.0, as we call it [Read-Write]. Web 2.0 is all about power of networks. Basically, web 2.0 is a social change. The technical part of the web hasn’t changed very much. Web 2.0 draw web to a different platform from what it was previously. Web became a platform for applications.

Web 3.0 preliminaries :
Web 2.0 was a social change applied on web. Where as, web 3.0 will be driven by technological changes. Web 3.0 is a network where the data contented has meaning. First aspect in web 3.0 is to develop a semantic web.

Web 3.0 : “Semantic web”
We will see what is semantic web? A layer of meaning on the top of the current web content. It is less of a catalog. Enrichment to the structure of web. Transform Web from file server to database.
How I find things on the web ?
Ah ! Of course : google.com
This is what current web is. Lots of document in the form of indexed keywords to search. Where we get random results. Not very intelligent. Obviously, how a computer will get to know what human means? Solution to this is structuring the web.

Components that will make web a semantic web are:
Identifiers: Uniform Resource Identifier [URI]
Documents: Extensible Markup Language
Statements: Resource Description Framework

Web 3.0 : Cloud
In the nearer future there will be no need to purchase application servers, a small army will be taking care of fine tuning n maintaining this servers. Software developers won’t have to build a security and sharing model. The cloud provides these items. More time given to functionality & meeting client needs.
Software, Data, Resource is provided as a Service in cloud computing . Every developer around the world can access the same powerful cloud infrastructures. Because code lives in the cloud, global talent pools can contribute to it and as it runs in the cloud, a truly global market can subscribe to it as a service.

Web 3.0 : Artificial Intelligence
It is an extension of the Semantic web concept. Academic research is being conducted to develop software for reasoning, based on description logic and intelligent agents, for example, the ''World Wide Mind'' project. Companies such as IBM and Google are implementing new technologies that are yielding surprising information.


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